Senior Video editor & producer, Marketing Kabam Games. 
Supporting various games including Disney @ Marvel IP's in multiple production roles.
Kabam MCoC Battlerealm Brawl 2023
Livestream segment covering the Battlerealm Brawl & Player Summit Live Event.  Notable community, marketing moments starting @ 14:05 Player Summit @ 22:14
Roles include marketing efforts during the events weekend.
Event as seen on youtube.  
Story So Far - Chapter 5: Elder's War.
Game art assets brought to life with motion graphics to create new imaginative storytelling.
Roles for for episodes 5 - 7   
motion graphics, editor, sound design
MCoC Summoner Showdown 2019
Summary of events surrounding the 2019 Marvel Contest of Champions Summoner Showdown. Kabam Games in co-operation with Marvel created this unique live event during the 2019 New York Comicon.

cinematographer, livestream production, editor, director, producer
Chee'ilth the latest addition to the roster of Indigenous Champions, crafted by a remarkable team of First Nations individuals. Explore the incredible journey behind her creation!
cinematographer, editor, director, sound design 
Disney Mirrorverse Minute
Disney Mirrorverse the mobile action RPG. Event updates through social media.
 for Kabam:   
cinematographer, editor, motion graphics, producer, game engine capture, sound design

MCoC Livestream Production
Twitch Livestream Productions for Marvel Contest Of Champions

producer, director, editor, motion graphics, cinematographer, game engine capture
Mirrorverse Website
Supporting the web team with efficient ,seamless looping video assets.

editor, motion graphics, game engine capture

Marvel Realm of Champions
Customization showcase gameplay capture & compositing.

editor, motion graphics, game engine capture
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